Monday, August 22, 2011

My vacation at work!

Check this out, most awesome dish ever:
Bananas, blueberries and milk. BLAM! [soundeffect]
I might be abit bored, I'm not really sure. Slept for half the day and watched Burn notice for a cupple of hours since the weather outside isn't really that good. Getting this post done is a pain in the nads since the connection is so weak and I had to reload the page like ten times to even get started. Uploading that picture took me about 7mins.
I would give you a link if I could get the youtube site to load, but at this point anyone reading a blog online should know how to use youtube or spotify. Look up Pendulum - Still Grey, depends on what you like but I think it's an excellent chillout song. In the winter I like riding to this kinda music.
The upcoming winter really seems to be creeping up on me even tho I still wear shorts most of the days and get to work by boat. Talked with Timo who is park manager on Levi if I'm not mistaken, about changes they will make this winter etc. After that I've been thinking ALOT about all the things
I wanna do next winter, tricks to learn, rails to hit, spots to kill.

I did however realize that it's still late summer and that I have to entertain myself in other ways.
Time at the summerhouse has been really nice even thos there isn't that much to do if the weather is bad. I've been working a fair amount of days and it's been fun, when you're out here it still feels abit like vacation, and the people I work with are cool which is nice. One day when we didn't have anything else to do with Jesper we took the Mini Buster (9.9hp) for a one hour long boat ride to the bar the most furthest away bor beer and shots and then headed back. Actually we might have spent a good hour or two there. The easiest thing to do would have been to go to the restaurant we work at and drink there, the second easiest way would have been another place only about 5mins away. But it's always fun with a little adventure and we had fun so who cares.
So most of the time I've been at work or hanging out with the people from work but I've been doing some summer stuff aswell. Only some days ago me and Jesper went sailing with my buddy's 420. Again, google it cos it's a really cool boat but I can't link a picture since it will take me a year to get the pictures to load. I've been taking some awesome pictures with my phone. For example this one night when I headed home after having some beers after work there was this absolutely amazing moment out at sea. No sounds of anything, the water all around me was completely still as a mirror, and it was full moon which made everything look like a dream. I killed the engine and just sat there for a while, totally amazing moment.
Tonight I'm thinking about going fishing since the weather seems ok for it, I've gone fishing a cupple of times and gotten some pike and some bass (I think it's called in english, not sure). Would be nice to get a bigger catch.
Now I got some days off and totally scouting the jobmarket for when I get back home, I got one interview already so that's nice since I only got a week or two weeks tops left at the place I work at now.
I guess I'd better start cooking dinner and head out fishing before it's too dark.
Take care!