Friday, April 12, 2013

The Norway trip

When we arrived to Tamokdalen the road was closed as expected, you can get some nice runs from the parking lot but we desided to take a nap and wait. After almost 2 hours went to the nearest gas station for some morning coffee.
By the time we got back to the gate they were just about to open the gate and set us free into the wild.
Since there was a f-load of new snow and everyone we met told us about avalanches they had seen during the past days, we desided not to hike too far up to stay in a somewhat safe area.
This turned out to be a good idea, first hike was really nice in sunny conditions. But by the time we got to the point from where we wanted to ride down the light was completely flat. We waited a while to see if the weather would get any better, but it didn't. We filmed the first run on the gopro but the result was not too interesting because of the flat light.
Second hike it snowed while the sun was shining, after that it cleared up. By the time we got up again it got cloudy again, so we desided to build a jump. We got a couple of hits before it started snowing so hard it was getting really difficult seeing the jump. I took a picture of my board just to give you an idea of how hard it snowed, I cleared my board from all snow and took the picture a few mins later.
All in all it was a really good trip even if it was a short one and the weather wasn't too good. I don't have that much to show you but here are some pictures.

Blogspot sucks when it comes to posting pictures, impossible to just put them all side by side....

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